Christian Service Program
“Make love your greatest aim.” 1 Cor.14.1
Service learning is a teaching strategy that integrates community service with instruction and reflection to enrich learning experiences, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. Service learning offers all of its participants a chance to take part in learning while simultaneously addressing the concerns, needs, and hopes of their communities.
Check the Service Opportunities List at the link below and posted on the Bulletin Board in x2Vol for current and upcoming events and a list of approved organizations.
Everyone should read the Christian Service Program Handbook to be sure you know the do's, don'ts and requirements of the Christian Service Program at St. Bede Academy.
Mr. Eric Davy
Religion Teacher
Christian Service Program Coordinator
Room: 325 815-223-3140 ext. 303
[email protected]
(Mr. Davy will start in August with the new 2022-23 school year. See Ms. Bernabei with questions until that time. [email protected])
Religion Teacher
Christian Service Program Coordinator
Room: 325 815-223-3140 ext. 303
[email protected]
(Mr. Davy will start in August with the new 2022-23 school year. See Ms. Bernabei with questions until that time. [email protected])
All service hours must be submitted through
x2Vol = Time to Volunteer
Students are required to practice appropriate social distancing and personal hygiene
while participating in all service activities.
Do not participate in an event if you have concerns about your health or physical safety.
COVID19: How to Protect Yourself and Others
Click on each question below to view the answer.
More information can be found in the Christian Service Handbook at the link above.
* How do I register for X2Vol?
* How do I submit my service hours?
* How does my activity supervisor verify my hours? (you can give your supervisor the sheet at this link to help explain how to verify your hours.)
* What if my activity supervisor accidentally deleted or lost the email needed to verifying my hours?
* How to Write an A+ Reflection Statement and Why it’s Important.
* What do I do if I'm having trouble logging in to my X2Vol account?
* What types of service are acceptable?
* When I look at my Activity Log one of my entries was approved for zero hours. Why and now what do I do?
54 Reasons to Volunteer
Articles |